SEPTEMBER 28, 2022
New Working Paper Released: ‘Sri Lanka – Singapore FTA Four Years On’
This Working Paper reviews bilateral trade performance, explains some of the key domestic economic policy contexts during and after the FTA was signed, discusses some of the key issues that emerged, and takes an initial look at prospects.
OCTOBER 15, 2022
How Can Sri Lanka Improve Gender Considerations in its Trade Agreements?
CSF Visiting Fellow Dr Janaka Wijayasiri argues that as the country begins to explore FTAs once again, it is timely to consider mainstreaming gender into Sri Lanka's trade policy and trade agreements taking into the gender inequality in the country.
JANUARY 3, 2023
Opinion: ‘Trimming the Fat’ in Sri Lanka’s Enterprise-support Institutions
Sri Lanka must consolidate its enterprise-support agencies into one single agency, that is smaller, sharper, and with a clear and unambiguous mandate - to improve SME competitiveness towards creating more export-ready and near export-ready firms. The need of the hour is not generic SME development and enterprise support initiatives.
AUGUST 5, 2022
Impact of Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis on the Exports Sector
While steady growth in exports was recorded in the year 2021, Sri Lanka’s deepening economic crisis runs the serious risk of impacting the export recovery achieved to date. This article reviews some key data points and industry insights.
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021
Attracting Good FDI Starts with Designing Good Incentives Regimes
In this interview, former Deloitte consultant Danindu Udalamaththa outlines some key areas for Sri Lanka to focus on in designing good incentives frameworks to attract good quality foreign direct investment.
SEPTEMBER 12, 2021
Solving SME Development Challenges: Looking Beyond Easy Loan Schemes
In this interview with finance and investment specialist Sharini Kulasinghe, we explore some new perspectives on solving SME development challenges (especially SME access to finance), going beyond the conventional wisdom.
JUNE 4, 2021
Refreshing Growth in Sri Lanka’s Provinces: Changing the Narrative
CSF Visiting Fellow Dr Janaka Wijayasiri argues that as the country begins to explore FTAs once again, it is timely to consider mainstreaming gender into Sri Lanka's trade policy and trade agreements taking into the gender inequality in the country.
JULY 28, 2021
SIGNALS OF CHANGE: Three Emerging Post-Covid Trends for Sri Lanka’s Apparel Sector
Sri Lanka’s apparel industry – a significant export revenue earner and employer – was substantially hit by the pandemic. Moving from recovery to resilience and a new phase of growth will be shaped by three key trends.
JULY 27, 2021
Fiscal Constraints Amidst COVID-19: Sri Lanka on Red Notice for Tax Reform
COVID-19 caused severe economic challenges worldwide, including a negative 3.6% growth in Sri Lanka in 2020. A lockdown by the government led to a drop in economic activity and job losses. The government intervened by providing limited stimulus, including cash transfers and low-interest loans, and investing heavily in infrastructure development to help the economy rebound.
OCTOBER 4, 2024
EU Green Deal and Implications for Sri Lanka’s Exports
CSF’s latest Policy Brief looks at the implications of selected aspects of the European Green Deal for Sri Lanka’s exports. We flag four areas for action -Government support, Public-private partnerships, International cooperation and bilateral engagement, and Industry support to SMEs.
JANUARY 8, 2025
The Emergence of National Security Considerations in Foreign Investment Regulation
While national security considerations when developing foreign investment regulation isn’t new, it is becoming a greater consideration when assessing investment into sectors and companies that play a critical function to society or are of strategic importance to a country. A recently published Discussion Paper by CSF serves to introduce this emerging area to Sri Lankan trade and investment stakeholders, provide some country examples, and to inform further deliberation on the topic.
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