NOVEMBER 25, 2024
CSF-BSL Report: Green Finance Maturity Assessment 2024
Green finance is getting greater attention in Sri Lanka, as banks and finance companies see it as a new area for lending, and the number of potential projects that need finance keep growing. CSF collaborated with Biodiversity Sri Lanka to better understand what this space is like right now. We surveyed 20 financial institutions to understand multiple aspects of their engagement with green finance.
JUNE 5, 2024
To What Extent Do Sri Lankan Financial Institutions Integrate Environmental Considerations?
Beach cleanups, tree planting programmes, and commitments to recycling. These are some of the common ways in which Sri Lankan financial institutions typically market World Environment Day, falling each year on the 5th of June. Yet, there are major outstanding questions as to whether the country's financial institutions are effectively orienting themselves to meet the environmental challenges emerging in the country, and ensure that capital flows in the direction needed to foster a nature-positive economic recovery for Sri Lanka. New research by CSF shows that Sri Lankan financial institutions have some way to go in demonstrating environmental integration in their business.
JULY 18, 2024
Open Access Materials on CSF’s Work in Conservation Finance
CSF announces the launch of a set of knowledge materials, findings reports, and easy guides for interested stakeholders, freely available for download, developed under a project with Blue Resources Trust on marine conservation finance.
AUGUST 5, 2024
Prioritising Green Jobs in Sri Lanka’s Economic Recovery
Sri Lanka is yet to give dedicated national priority to this agenda, unlike several other countries that have placed it at the heart of public policies on TVET and employment. The country must build on the recognition given to green jobs in its Climate Prosperity Plan, and articulate a clear and future-oriented ‘Green Jobs Strategy’.
3 Reasons Why Sri Lanka Should Consider Gender in Climate Finance
Climate finance is growing globally, but women risk getting left behind. From the instruments we use, to the climate actions we fund, women are impacted. As Sri Lanka attempts to accelerate climate finance, gender must be a leading consideration.
SEPTEMBER 27, 2024
Re-defining Destination Identities for Sustainable Tourism in Sri Lanka
Short-term and unsustainable plans for a tourism recovery, with narrow views on destination identity, can threaten the natural assets that Sri Lanka's tourism is branded on. On World Tourism Day 2024, we argue that its time for Sri Lanka to re-define tourism destination identities through an inclusive and imaginative approach. With examples from Kalpitiya and Yala, based on ongoing research, this article suggests the need to 'co-discover' destination identities with local stakeholders.
OCTOBER 18, 2024
Nature-linked Sovereign Debt Instruments: 10 Key Considerations for Sri Lanka
CSF recently hosted a panel discussion with three national and international experts on the role of nature-linked sovereign debt instruments in Sri Lanka’s economic recovery, amidst debt distress and acute environmental pressures. This Analytical Note summarises the 10 key messages.
OCTOBER 25, 2024
Financing Biodiversity and Nature Amidst Debt Distress in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka needs to become much more open to, and informed about, the new sources and mechanisms that are available for biodiversity financing. With the right domestic mechanisms, a credible policy commitment, open-mindedness among government and non-government stakeholders, and a nuanced view of the financing options, Sri Lanka can rise up to meet the challenge.
NOVEMBER 1, 2024
Prioritising Nature Conservation: A Message for the Next Sri Lankan Parliament
Sri Lanka's next Parliament has many issues to contend with, but underpinning many of these is the looming threats to our nature and biodiversity. Elected members of Parliament at the forthcoming General Election need to understand what these issues are, and what priorities need to be tackled. CSF contributed to a document that is released today on selected critical environmental issues facing Sri Lanka, aimed at informing prospective legislators in our next Parliament.
NOVEMBER 25, 2024
Sri Lanka Climate Risks and Impacts: A Research Compendium
Sri Lanka is highly vulnerable to climate risks, with heat, sea level rise, floods, landslides, and droughts posing significant threats to its ecosystems, economy, and communities. Local drivers such as pollution and land management exacerbate these risks, impacting agriculture and food production, cities and infrastructure, water availability, local biodiversity, and human health and well-being. This document consolidates key datapoints on climate risks and its socio-economic and environmental impacts, offering a useful source of reference for diverse stakeholders.
APRIL 18, 2024
Advancing Green Finance in Sri Lanka: Updates, Prospects, and Challenges
For a recent Roundtable on green finance with financial institutions and development partners, CSF had the opportunity to provide inputs into the design of the session and provide concluding insights at the end of the session. This Analytical Note serves as a recap of the key findings and takeaways on the progress of implementing green finance in Sri Lanka, the near-term prospects, and current and emerging challenges to be tackled.
DECEMBER 11, 2024
Acronyms and Accountability: Navigating Corporate Environmental Disclosures
Environmental disclosures are essential for accountability and transparency, but navigating the complex reporting landscape remains a challenge in Sri Lanka. From carbon accounting frameworks to sustainability standards, a myriad of acronyms shapes corporate accountability. As regulations tighten, understanding this evolving landscape and aligning with global expectations has become increasingly critical.
DECEMBER 18, 2024
‘Debt and Dugongs’ – CSF Presentation on Debt-for-Nature Swaps and Blue Bonds
Is Sri Lanka ready for debt instruments linked to nature? This was the focus of a knowledge sharing and engagement session that CSF held last month, at the 'Festival of Ideas' organised by the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies (BCIS). The session titled, ‘Debt and Dugongs’, was led by CSF Research Associate Ashani Basnayake, and joined by CSF Director Anushka Wijesinha. Participants were drawn from civil society, private sector, development partners, and government.
DECEMBER 21, 2024
Is COP29’s Carbon Markets Deal a Climate Lifeline or Coastal Sell-out for Blue Carbon Ecosystems?
Sri Lankan stakeholders need to view the new UNFCCC COP29 deal that set new rules for carbon markets, objectively. While it offers a new global framework for blue carbon projects - an area of emerging interest for Sri Lanka - it does come with many gaps and risks. Understanding the limitations of the deal, and indeed the complexities of blue carbon projects, is crucial for meaningful action.
JANUARY 3, 2025
Sri Lanka’s Private Sector Needs to Rethink ESG
While ESG seeks to channel investment towards companies that are environmentally responsible, socially conscious, and well-governed, their true sustainability impact remains debated. Several issues have been highlighted in recent reports. For Sri Lankan firms, a critical look at ESG is timely, to make meaningful progress on charting a greener, climate-resilient economic future.
JANUARY 17, 2025
New Report: ‘Strategic Insights on Corporate Environmental Disclosures in Sri Lanka’
A new report by CSF titled, 'Acronyms and Accountability: Strategic Insights on Corporate Environmental Disclosures in Sri Lanka' offers a deeper examination of corporate environmental disclosures and their significance for Sri Lanka’s sustainability journey. It aims to provide practical recommendations for decision-makers, businesses, and stakeholders to adopt more effective and impactful disclosure practices.
FEBRUARY 5, 2025
New Publication: ‘Blue Carbon’ Knowledge Primer
A new publication by CSF helps to unpack the role of Blue Carbon ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrass and salt marshes in Sri Lanka in combating climate change, and how Blue Carbon projects can be leveraged to finance coastal ecosystem conservation. This latest Knowledge Primer explains these aspects, reviews the international mechanisms that guide blue carbon markets, and puts forward key considerations for Sri Lanka in implementing blue carbon schemes.
FEBRUARY 19, 2025
Spotting the Problem: Understanding Complexities in Tourism and Nature in Yala National Park
Tourism in Sri Lanka stands at a crossroads. While the industry is a crucial driver of economic recovery, it also places immense pressure on the country’s natural resources. This paradox—where tourism both depends on and threatens nature—requires urgent attention for long-term sustainability. CSF's new report 'Spotting the Problem' explores this intricate relationship through the lens of complexity theory, highlighting the case of overcrowding and safari misbehaviour in Yala National Park Block 1.
FEBRUARY 19, 2025
How Tourism and Nature Interact: Studying Perceptions in Three Sites in Sri Lanka
In 2024, the Centre for a Smart Future (CSF) conducted a research study on how local stakeholders perceive the interactions between tourism and nature in Maskeliya, Kalpitiya, and Yala National Park, with the objective of unpacking destination-level realities of how tourism activities are taking place in Sri Lanka’s nature-abundant tourism sites. This Background and Scoping Report provides details on the rationale and objectives of the study, and serves as a reference document for anyone who wants to know more about the methodologies used and the limitations encountered that shaped the findings and observations of the study.
FEBRUARY 28, 2025
World Wildlife Day Event – ‘Investing in Conservation, Valuing our Wildlife and Natural Ecosystems’
Centre for a Smart Future (CSF) in partnership with Lanka Environment Fund (LEF) and Blue Resources Trust (BRT) are organising a half-day event marking World Wildlife Day 2025, filled with insightful discussions, interactive activities, and networking opportunities. The event will primarily focus on conservation finance issues (which is the theme of WWD 2025), but will also feature topics like how to balance tourism and nature, and the complexities of financing Marine Protected Area. The event aims to generate interest in pathways for mobilizing the necessary financial resources to protect our country’s valuable wildlife and nature, and encourage pragmatic thinking.
JANUARY 12, 2024
Applying Innovative Financial Instruments to Marine Conservation in Sri Lanka
Based on a suggestion at a recent Knowledge Roundtable hosted by CSF, our researchers set out to compare various innovative financial solutions available for conservation and identify which might be the most desirable and feasible to implement. It provides a starting point for industry players, regulators, policymakers, and other interested parties to make meaningful improvements to financing marine conservation in Sri Lanka
NOVEMBER 16, 2022
Why Moving Beyond GDP is Essential to Avert Planetary Disaster
Moving beyond GDP and focusing on ‘green growth’ could unlock a host of new opportunities such as job creation, restoration of natural capital, and increased climate adaptation. Policymakers must explore alternatives to GDP to anchor Sri Lanka’s recovery from the economic crisis.
MARCH 13, 2023
New Publication: ‘Debt for Nature Swaps’ Knowledge Primer
A new paper under CSF’s Natural Capital Forum explores a sovereign financing instrument linked to nature called Debt for nature swaps (DFNS), their usage globally and relevance to Sri Lanka in overcoming the debt crisis and fiscal constraints to conservation.
AUGUST 31, 2022
Are Marine Conservation and Sri Lanka’s Maritime Hub Ambitions Compatible?
Nishan Perera - Sri Lanka's leading marine ecologist, an avid diver and underwater photographer - argues that contradictory policies are hurting our prospects for striking a smarter balance between marine conservation and maritime-related economics activities like fisheries and tourism.
AUGUST 22, 2022
Is Economic Valuation of Biodiversity Necessary for Successful Conservation?
The debate on whether biodiversity should be economically valued remains highly polarized and a more nuanced contextual approach is required. Yet, it's clear that striking a balance between environmental, social and economic objectives is vital.
AUGUST 13, 2022
Changing How We Think About Economic Growth and Nature
The fact that the creation of a 269 hectare artificial land parcel attached to the capital, with sand extracted from nature, materially changed the country’s GDP base was startling. It reaffirmed our growing discontent on how we measure economic growth.
AUGUST 10, 2022
Sri Lanka Must Use GSP Plus for Smarter Positioning on Sustainability
In this interview in the Smarter Sustainability series, Anisha Rajapakse explores key issues for Sri Lanka in strengthening its positioning as a trusted and preferred sourcing location for EU buyers, using GSP+ and beyond.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2023
A New Project on Innovative Financing for Sustainable Marine Conservation in Sri Lanka
Ecological conservation sites in Sri Lanka can benefit from improved financial planning and management, requiring alignment between conservation and financing stakeholders. However, lack of knowledge on science-based conservation metrics limits attention to this area.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023
Financing Conservation: Six Mechanisms Sri Lanka Should Know About
Climate shocks and natural ecosystem losses pose development challenges, especially for developing countries like Sri Lanka. Economic crises and debt restructuring pressure these countries, highlighting the need for innovative financing solutions. This article explores six financial instruments and initiatives to inspire Sri Lanka's efforts.
JANUARY 12, 2024
New Publication: ‘Blue Bonds’ Knowledge Primer
A new publication by CSF helps unpack what blue bonds are, for stakeholders in both the finance as well as environment professions, alongside Sri Lanka's interest in pursuing such instruments following other developing countries like Seychelles, Belize, Barbados, and others.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2021
Shift to Organic Agriculture Must be Staged and Strategic
Sri Lanka's President has announced a policy directive to transition to 100% organic farming and ban chemical fertilizers and agro-chemicals. The decision has sparked debate, with concerns about food security and export impacts. Agriculture economist Chatura Rodrigo discusses the transition, implications for farmers, and policy gaps.
JANUARY 12, 2024
New Publication: ‘Conservation Trust Funds’ Knowledge Primer
As Sri Lanka looks to leverage innovative financial solutions for both public finance as well as environmental conservation objectives, a key mechanism that stakeholders must become familiar with is 'Conservations Trust Funds'. A new publication by helps unpack what Conservations Trusts are, what key features they have, why they are used, and provides some insightful examples of their deployment in other countries around the world.
JANUARY 17, 2024
Expanding Green Finance in Sri Lanka’s Financial Services Sector
There is now a growing interest in Sri Lanka on the concepts and prospects for green finance among Sri Lankan policymakers, regulators, and financial intermediaries, and some initial steps have been made to orient towards green lending. Yet, how far has actual implementation come and what are the prospects for the near-term? What are some of the critical issues that the financial sector must contend with, as it aims to support investments in a climate-resilient and nature-positive economic recovery?
JANUARY 23, 2024
Towards a Nature-Positive Economic Recovery in Sri Lanka: An Interview Series
As Sri Lanka's economic crisis jeopardizes sustainable development, the looming threat to environmental conservation and natural resource management is becoming apparent. The government's shrinking fiscal space intensifies the limiting of budgets for crucial initiatives. Meanwhile, much of the private sector is yet to fully integrate nature into their business and investment decisions. To add new ideas to the debate and push the conversation further, CSF and Echelon are collaborating on a new interview series launching soon.
FEBRUARY 15, 2024
CSF embarks on a new research project on nature and tourism in Sri Lanka
CSF is setting out to study the dynamics shaping a possible tourism recovery path that is just by nature, and study stakeholder perceptions around the barriers for, and opportunities to drive, a more nature-positive tourism sector.
FEBRUARY 19, 2024
Sustainable Financing for Marine Conservation – Recap of Knowledge Roundtable 1
From our work with BRT on sustainable financing for marine conservation, read our Analytical Note Edition 1, from our first Knowledge Roundtable. It covers the need for site specific considerations for financing tools, government buy-in, and the alignment of financial incentives with stakeholder perspectives.
FEBRUARY 19, 2024
Sustainable Financing for Marine Conservation – Recap of Knowledge Roundtable 2
From our work with BRT on sustainable financing for marine conservation, read our Analytical Note Edition 2, from our second Knowledge Roundtable. It focuses on the imperative to develop bankable marine conservation plans, incorporating financial incentives and showcasing economic feasibility.
MARCH 25, 2024
How can we re-orient Sri Lanka’s tourism future?
CSF Research Associate Senith Abeyanayake reflects on a recent engagement with tourism industry leaders for a panel on charting a nature-positive economic recovery for Sri Lanka's tourism. This is part of CSF's 'Perspectives Series' of articles.
APRIL 4, 2024
Sustainable Financing for Marine Conservation – Recap of Knowledge Roundtable 3
As Sri Lanka endures mounting pressure on public finances and explores new avenues for funding conservation efforts, CTFs have emerged as a promising mechanism that could provide long-term financing for its Protected Areas (PAs). David Meyers, Executive Director of the Conservation Finance Alliance (CFA), spoke at a recent Knowledge Roundtable organised by CSF on Conservation Trust Funds. Read our Analytical Note Edition 3, which summarises the key takeaways and insights from David Meyers and discussion generated by the participants.
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